Contracts and Acquisitions Tracking System v2.0.17.27





ODJFS is joining other state agencies in transitioning to OhioBuys, an online purchasing platform operated by the Ohio Department of Administrative Services. As of Jan. 31, all links from regarding current solicitations have been moved to the OhioBuys public solicitations page.

OhioBuys leverages innovative technologies to increase efficiency, opportunities, and participation with businesses in Ohio. For state users, it includes Procure to Pay functionality, which streamlines the entire procurement process, from identifying a need and shopping to completing the requisition and procurement process and issuing a purchase order. ODJFS procurement staff will be able to complete solicitations and manage contracts, all in the OhioBuys solution.

You also can learn more about OhioBuys by visiting the OhioBuys website or by watching these brief videos

30-Day Contract Standard

The Office of Contracts and Acquisitions (OCA) has established a 30-day standard for establishing contracts. That is OCA aims to have agreements drafted and ready for vendor signature within 30 days of receipt of the request for agreement (RFA) reaching our office in CATS. The RFA must be clear and complete, and address all required validations. This time-frame may be extended in certain circumstances, e.g., Software License Agreements, which require extensive negotiation. If an exception to this stated time-frame is necessary, you must contact OCA at the following mailbox JFS to justify the exception in writing. Program Offices are encouraged to be proactive and notify OCA as early as possible in advance of submitting an exception request. The exception request must be approved by OCA and exception requests received during peak processing, e.g., end of fiscal year will not be accepted.